About Raw Honey

I am pretty sure some people only know about regular honey. They might think the common regular honey has a high potential to cure health issues. What are you thinking about regular honey is right but there is another type of honey which has way more benefits than regular honey it’s called RAW HONEY!

Honey bees sacrifice their entire life for pollinating flowers just to make honey. Bees gather the pollen from the flowers to feed themselves and to create honey. Beekeepers are responsible for removing the honey from the bees and using it for human consumption.

After the beekeeper has collected the honey from the bees, removed the wax caps that the bees use to seal the honey in the honeycomb, and extracted the honey from the honeycomb and it’s time to process the unprocessed honey.

Not all beekeepers have processed their honey. Unprocessed honey is marketed with words like raw, arsenic, unfiltered, and naturally printed on the label. There are many words in the dictionary that can describe unprocessed. Mainly this type of unprocessed honey is called raw honey in the market.

“As it exists in the beehive” is the best way to describe raw honey. Raw honey is made by extracting honey from the honeycombs of the hive then pouring it over a nylon cloth or over a mesh to separate the honey from impurities like dead bees and beeswax. After its strained, raw honey is bottled and ready to be consumed.

The production of regular honey has several more steps before it is bottled and ready to consume; such as filtration and pasteurization. Filtration removes impurities like scrap and air bubbles so that the honey can stays as a clear liquid last longer. The pasteurization process will destroy the yeast found in honey by using high heat.

This is aesthetically appealing to many consumers. Some commercial kinds of honey are additionally processed by undergoing ultrafiltration. This process helps to make it more smooth and transparent, that is the major reason why many beneficial nutrients like pollen, enzymes, and antioxidants are wasted.

Differences Between Raw and Regular Honey.

Raw and regular honey is processed quite differently. This can lead to a variety of dissimilarities between them, especially in quality. Here are several main and common differences between raw honey and regular honey.

Raw Honey Is More Nutritious

Raw honey contains a wide variety of nutrients. Raw honey has 31 different minerals, 22 amino acids, and a quite wide range of vitamins and enzymes. What’s most amazing about raw honey is that it contains almost 30 types of bio-active plant compounds. These are named polyphenols, and they act as antioxidants and are very beneficial.

Many studies have proven that these antioxidants have impressive health benefits, such as reduced inflammation, a lower risk of heart disease, and can cure certain cancers. Conversely, commercial honey may contain fewer antioxidants due to processing methods.

For example, one study claim by comparing the antioxidants in raw and processed honey from a local market. They found that raw honey has nearly 4.3 times more antioxidants than the processed variety. Most Regular Honey Doesn’t Contain Any Pollen When Comparing to the Raw Honey.

Bees travel from flower to flower to collect pollen and nectar. The pollen and nectar are taken back to the beehive to pack into the honeycomb and eventually become a food source for the grateful bees. Bee pollen is very nutritious and contains over 250 substances, including essential fatty acids, vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, and micronutrients.

The German Federal Ministry of Health recognizes bee pollen as a medicine in the medical industry. Bee pollen linked to many beneficial health benefits. Studies have found that it can help to fight inflammation and improve liver function to perform well. It also has properties that may help fight against cardiovascular disease and stroke.

Unfortunately, processing methods like ultrafiltration and heat treatment can remove bee pollen. For example, one unofficial study analyzed 60 samples of commercial honey brands in the US and discovered that over 75% of all samples contained no pollen.

Regular Honey May Have Hidden Sugars or Sweeteners

Based on studies nearly 400 million pounds of honey are consumed in the US every year. It is because honey is so popular and it’s hard to meet this high demand from local suppliers alone. This is why approximately 70% of the honey consumed in the US is imported. However, there is a very serious concern all over the world about regular honey being contaminated with chemical substances such as sugar or other sweeteners like high fructose corn syrup.

Most Health Benefits Are Attributed to Raw Honey

Raw honey has many impressive health benefits.

Studies have found that it can help reduce risk factors for cardiovascular disease like cholesterol and blood pressure, improve wound healing and even treat coughs. This is because it is higher in antioxidants and other beneficial components. One of these components is an enzyme called glucose oxidase. This enzyme helps create molecules that give raw honey its antimicrobial and antibacterial properties to give for benefits.


When we comparing the regular honey and with raw honey, raw honey have high potential to heal human common sickness and disease. Unprocessed, raw honey contains almost 30 types of bioactive plant compounds. These component act as healing antioxidants and leads to impressive health benefits, including reduced inflammation and a lower risk of cardiovascular disease and certain cancers

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